Frequently Asked Questions (8) Catalog of viewing and light units
Catalog of viewing and light units In various ways there is a unit of the lighting of the performance, I do not know well how to read the catalog. Please tell me the minimum point I should know ! The used lighting performance evaluation engages: (1) color temperature, (2) color rendering properties, (3) the light beam, (4) intensity, (5) illumination, (6) is the luminance. , Each unit, (1) K = Kelvin (representing a light color) (2) Ra = Arue (color rendering index), (3) lm = lumens (light flux), (4) cd = candela (luminosity), (5) lx = lux (illuminance), it becomes (6) cd / m2 = candela / square meter (brightness). Of course, to compare the same units with each other when you look at the catalog is to value it. You also need to make sure you actually see the product in the showrooms. Lighting test before purchasing is also can be performed to be more convinced. ■units of light to evaluate the performance of illumination ● K = Kelvin (color temperature) It is an important factor that determines the impression of space. Light of the light source is low as reddish or as high as whitish. ● Ra = Arue (average color rendering index) The color of the reproducibility of things by the light of color rendering properties. The average color rendering index is the reference light and Ra100 is a numerical value as color shift is largely increasing. For food department and clothing stores, such as printing plant, color rendering properties are important in such areas where there is a need to look properly.
● lm=ルーメン(光束) 光源から出る光の量のこと。数値が大きいほど明るい。消費電力が同じなら白熱電球は485lm、白色蛍光灯は3000lmとその差は6倍。
● lx=ルクス(照度) 単位面積当たりに入射する光束のことで、光源から出た光がある面にどの程度降り注いでいるのかを示す。直射日光下では10万lxに対してオフィスの事務机の上は300~750lx程度。 ● cd/m2=カンデラ/m2(輝度) ● cd=カンデラ(光度) 光源自体が照らされた面の輝き(明るさの加減)のこと。光源からある方向に出る光の強さのこと。光源からの光はすべての方向に同じように光が出るわけではなく、方向によって光の強さは異なる。
光束・光度・照度・輝度の関係 輝度は、ある方向から見たときにどれだけ明るく見えるかを表し、高い・低いで表現される。見た目の明るさを評価するのに有効 |