2 units; one is 35W; another is 16W, LED Security Lights. Kumamoto University.
Example of Security Lights Units.
20 units near Oeda Park, Moriguchi city, Osaka.
(Construction: March 2011, Moriguchi Urban Development Section, road Division) MachinnoHikari 28H=4m
9 units nearby Ohashiminami, Hirakata, Osaka.
(Construction: March 2011, Hirakata civil engineering office) Installation by utilizing the (MachinoHikari) 28 H = 5m using pull-pillars on existing poles.
Twelve 46W units near Kuzuha station, Hirakata city, Osaka.
(Construction: March 2011, Hirakata civil engineering office) (MachinoHikari) 46 H = 5m
6 LED security light units, 28W, at a shopping center in Fukuoka Prefecture.
LED security lights 28W.